Corrigenda to Holm "Albanian" JIES 2011: Important: For the modern Bayesian glottochronology, all conclusions "No(C-) = Cognate without glottochronological connections, must be taken as orphan/singleton! ASHES (SW83). The word "also" in the brackets must read "not". Then the rest remains ok. NECK (SW50). New: 1. Correct translation is qaf|ë,a{fem.}, in contrast to some dictionaries, only now correctly described in glosbe and anglisht; etymologically a loan < Balkan-Trk. kafa ‘back of head’ (with HU106, OR353; not in BO). Turkic kafa itself is presumably a loan from Arabic qabba 'collar'. 2. The correct meaning of "zverk|u" (< Pk1155-3F.u̯er-k) is ‘nape’, the back part of the neck, albeit in some dictionaries not distinguished from (1) or even mistakenly translated. My new decision is based on a translation of the medical expression for nape, “nucha” as adjective “nuchal” into Albanian by “zverk, i zverkut”. Assuming that people knowing this technical term, are educated enough to distinguish nape from neck. DIE (SW61). Was correct from the etymological point of view, not from the glottochronological one. Because the attested cognates have slightly deviant meanings, and moreover, are not the general term in the other languages, the result must read: No(C-) – ST (2): false; vs. – DY004 iso.: correct. FIRE (SW82): The conclusion "Yes(C+) " remains correct, because we have the cognate Old Irish gorn 'fire'; the entries in DY008 and ST = cognate with Riksmål varme ‘warmth’, however, are mistaken because of the different meaning. moon /Sw73): The conclusion must be "Yes" (typo). SMALL (SW15): Correct typo to "tininess".